Department Of Neuro Physiotherapy

This department aims to optimize functional outcomes and enhance the overall quality of life of individuals with neurological diseases/ dysfunctions. The conditions could be a result of injuries, diseases or congenital problems affecting the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. The goal of this department is to teach the students the skills to assess and treat individuals the techniques to improve functional independence, mobility, strength, balance and overall quality of life of individuals with neurological problems. Practical administration of Techniques such as Neuro Developmental Therapy- NDT, Bobath technique, Proproceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation- PNF, Motor Relearning Program (MRP), Functional Electrical Stimulation- FES etc are taught to the students and monitored regarding the skills learnt. The students learn about gait and mobility training, balance and coordination training and training on ADLs.

purple and pink plasma ball
purple and pink plasma ball